
Jason Momoa é eleito o “Homem do Ano”

O ator revelou que espera ter recebido o título por seus esforços para preservar a natureza

Jason Momoa foi eleito “Homem do Ano”!

O ator, que viveu o herói “Aquaman” nas telonas, recebeu o título pela revista norte-americana GQ.

Em seu Instagram, o artista agradeceu pela nomeação. Se liga:


Ver essa foto no Instagram


when i was told i was going to be one of the men of the year i was shocked and surprised but hopefully its because i’m busting my ass trying to stop single use plastics and kicking up dust trying to stop a telescope getting built on our sacred mountain in hawaii. regardless. i look up to a lot of different people and if i have any impact on anyone like they do one me. then it’s to be an activist to do right with our voices follow our hearts. spread aloha. ohana is everything and have a beautiful time on this planet. i got a lot of work to do. we all do all my aloha. so stoked to be GQ Australia’s Man of the Year, thanks to @mojeanaria for presenting my award on the night. i couldn’t be there being it was thanksgiving and i was so thankful to be home with my ohana. Photographs by @Jesse_lizotte interview by @christensenmike and the issue is on newsstands from Dec 2 and on Apple News+ internationally. aloha j. i got one month left to rub this into my wife ???she’s still not buying it

Uma publicação compartilhada por Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies) em

Jason é um ator bem engajado com o meio ambiente.

Ele tem feito protestos pela diminuição de plástico nos oceanos.

Vale lembrar que o novo filme do “Aquaman” estreia nos cinemas em dezembro de 2022.

Parabéns, Jason!

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