
Camila Cabello explica ausência das redes sociais

A cantora fez um desabafo aos fãs através do Instagram

A cantora Camila Cabello, já divulgou em suas redes sociais que faz tratamento pra ansiedade.

Nessa semana ela desabafou mais uma vez sobre o assunto com os fãs.

Num post raro no Instagram, Camila disse que gostaria de enviar amor pra todos os seguidores dela, e explicou que não usa muito as redes sociais.

A cantora revelou que não costuma ler o que as pessoas postam, e que as mídias sociais não fazem bem pra ela. Confira:


Ver essa foto no Instagram


Really wanted to send love to everyone on here – I don’t go on social media that much cause it’s not good for me, and I don’t know how to not be affected by what people say on here so I just don’t read it- but I am totally aware that I can use this platform to help people even in small ways! so to anyone on here who is struggling, which we all do sometimes cause we’re human!!! I super recommend taking five minutes out of your day to just breathe. I’ve been doing this lately and it’s helped me so much, i didn’t understand meditation before, or the concept of just noticing your breath, but I’ve been doing it the past few months and I can feel the quality of my life improving – I used to live so much in my head , constantly trapped in my overthinking and being in my head as opposed to the present moment- and lately just going back to my breath and focusing on it puts me back in my body and back in the present and helps me so much. Take five minutes out of your day today to just inhale for 5 seconds through your nose , and exhale for 5 seconds through your mouth – and super focus on your breath and how it feels coming in and out of your nostrils . Do it three times a day and whenever you feel yourself getting overwhelmed. I know lots of us on here are growing up and learning how to be human lol, and that can be intense and hard sometimes – I think some tools are really life changing and help you know how to do that better, so I just thought i’d share something that’s really helped me; and hopefully it helps you guys!!!! Anyway, LOVE YOU!!!! See you soon ????

Uma publicação compartilhada por camila (@camila_cabello) em

Lembrando que Camila Cabello está preparando seu novo CD, e se sente pressionada com todas as cobranças que sofre.

Situação complicada né? Melhoras pra ela!

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